Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What is the difference between a Museum and a Store?

And the answer is, nothing. Well, according to artist Borna Sammak and curator Thomas McDonnell. Sammak created videos that were specifically designed to be displayed on HD televisions screens for the best effect, and for an artist with little funds and museums with a lack of such technology, McDonnell thought of a better idea. Being the leading retailer of HD technology and TV's, McDonnell thought that it was the right choice to showcase Sammak's videos. Comprised of a montage of images really, his videos come from footage Sammak shot himself to actual commercials and advertisements Best Buy uses to showcase their TV's. Made into images of landscape, the vibrant colors and shapes were only on display for two hours in the NYC Best Buy store, but it certainly changed the way people showcase art.
What caught my attention the most was where this was showcased. I never imaged art exhibited in a retail store before, but anything can happen. I found it quite logical though, because in order to show the art correctly, or how it was intended by the artist requires the right technology or conditions. If Best Buy has everything the artist needs to portray his art the way it needs to be portrayed, then it should be held there. Not to mention the fact that this artists art uses some of the newest technology on the market don't hurt. In a world where HD is taking over, it is expected that art would be impacted by it. I have a feeling that this trend will continue and with this exhibit, Sammak is on the cutting edge.

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